Frequently Asked Questions

For Buyer and Seller Agents

Buyer Agents may explain the purpose and process of a home inspection, setting realistic expectations and encouraging clients to ask questions during the inspection. it’s important to note that a home inspection is a non-invasive evaluation of the property’s visible and accessible components. Some issues, such as hidden structural defects or underlying plumbing problems, may not be identified without further specialized inspections.

Agents can advise their clients to ensure the property is easily accessible for the inspector, including unlocking any gates or doors. You may also advise clients to declutter the property and address any maintenance issues beforehand.

A general home inspection usually lasts between 2-3 hours for a typical 2,000 square foot home. However, the duration may vary depending on the home’s condition and any limitations the inspector may encounter. Additionally, adding square footage, outbuildings, and/or ancillary services such as mold or radon testing will also increase the inspection time.

To reschedule the inspection, call us at (330) 679-8161 and one of our team members can assist you.

If you or your client have a concern about your inspection, report, or Inspector, fill out this form so we can have it addressed as soon as possible. If you have photos, video, and/or documents in regard to your concern, please email them to with the subject line “Client Concern – (Address of Inspection)”.

© Front Line Inspection Services